History of the Makhnovist Movement (1918-1921) – Petr Arshinov

History of the Makhnovist Movement (1918-1921)

Petr Arshinov

Preface (Volin)
Author’s Preface (P. Arshinov)
Chapter 1: Democracy and the Working Masses in the Russian Revolution
Chapter 2: The October Upheaval in Great Russia and in the Ukraine
Chapter 3: The Revolutionary Insurrection in the Ukraine; Makhno
Chapter 4: The Fall of the Hetman; Petliurism; Bolshevism
Chapter 5: The Makhnovshchina
Chapter 6: The Makhnovshchina (contd.); Grigor’ev’s Revolt; The Bolsheviks’ First Assault on Gulyai-Pole
Chapter 7: The Long Retreat of the Makhnovists and their Victory; Execution of Grigor’ev; Battle of Peregonovka; Rout of Denikin’s Troops; Period of Freedom
Chapter 8: Errors of the Makhnovists; Second Bolshevik Assault on the Insurgent Region
Chapter 9: Makhnovist Pact with the Soviet Government; Third Bolshevik Assault
Chapter 10: The Meaning of the National Problem in the Makhnovshchina; The Jewish Question
Chapter 11: Makhno’s Personality; Biographical Notes on Some Members of the Movement
Chapter 12: The Makhnovshchina and Anarchism
Translated by Lorraine and Fredy Perlman. Published by Black & Red/Solidarity, Detroit/Chicago 1974. This edition obtained from the Digital Text International website. The Nestor Makhno Archive has altered some spellings and corrected some typographical errors.
Source: www.ditext.com
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