Emilio Crisi

Emilio Crisi

Rosário, Argentina

Member of Editorial Ultimo Recurso (founder), Centro de Estudio Universitario del Sur. Member of the FAR – Federación Anarquista de Rosario (ex Columna Libertaria Joaquín Penina), member of the Agrupación de Estatales Luisa Lallana and union delegate of the Asociación de Trabajadores del Estado.


Areas of interest (research) I have been researching for many years processes of armed struggle in Latin America (especially in Argentina and Peru) and other regions, such as the work “Del Sendero Luminoso a la Militarización del Peru” (From the Shining Path to the Militarization of Peru”. During the last ten years, in particulary, i have been researching about social and revolutionary processes promoted by organized anarchism. From this I made the following works: “La Comuna de Encarnación en Paraguay – 1931” (The Encarnación Commune of Paraguay – 1931); “Impulso de Núcleos Anarquistas en los Movimientos de Trabajadores Desocupados en Argentina” (Impulse of Anarchists Nuclei in the Unemployed Workers Movements in Argentina); “Toma del Palacio de Los Leones, Rosario Argentina – 1921” (Riot of the Los Leones Palace, Rosario Argentina – 1921); “Huelga General en Tesalónica, Grecia – 1936” (General Strike in Tesalonica, Greece – 1936); “El Anarquismo organizado en la “Storstrejken” o Gran Huelga y el nacimiento de la SAC en Suecia – 1909” (The Organized Anarchism in the “Storstrejken” or Great Strike and the born of the SAC in Sweden – 1909); “Revolución Anarquista en Manchuria 1929-1932” (Anarchist Revolution in Manchuria 1929-1932) published in 2014 in spanish at ITHA and Editorial Anarres.



  • Revolução Anarquista na Manchúria 1929-1932 (Faísca, 2018)
  • Revolución Anarquista en Manchúria 1929-1932 (Anarchist Revolution in Manchuria 1929-1932) published in 2014 in spanish at ITHA and Editorial Anarres)
  • Révolution Anarquista en Mandchourie 1929-1932 (Anarchist Revolution in Manchuria 1929-1932) published in 2019 in French at Noir et Rouge)