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Dimitris Troaditis. “Anarchists and Radicals in 1890’s Patras”

Dimitris Troaditis. “Anarchists and Radicals in 1890’s Patras”

In this article, Troaditis examines the transitional period between the appearance of the general socialist organisation Socialist Brotherhood and the forming of some clearly anarchist groupings. It’s a period that there is nothing remained from Democratic Association of the People (of 1870s Patras) as some of their members have either become moderate socialists or simply have disappeared, and a new and fresh wave of anarchist is starting to be visible in the town. This moment is just a step before of the formation of the anarchist communist newspaper-collective “Epi Ta Proso” (“Forward”) in 1896.

* Download the complete article here: Dimitris Troaditis – Anarchists and radicals in 1890s Patras