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Dimitris Troaditis. “The Democratic Association of People in Patras and the Newspaper ‘Hellenic Democracy'”

Dimitris Troaditis. “The Democratic Association of People in Patras and the Newspaper ‘Hellenic Democracy'”

In this article, Troaditis investigates the Democratic Association of People, that was actually the first anarchist organised collective appeared in Greece. A collective that obtained regular contacts with the Jura Federation and agreed with their positions. This was happened in 1875 in Patras, in Western Peloponnese, a city of a big importance, as it was one of the gates to the then Greece from Europe. Is was a significant harbour where a small but active proletariat — especially consisted of the sultana-box makers and other workers- and where the anarchist ideas found a fertile soil to be developed further.

* Download the complete article here: Dimitris Troaditis – The Democratic Association of People in Patras and the Newspaper Hellenic Democracy